Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ratios and Snack Time

After completing some assignments for my Instructional Design class I decided I needed a snack. So, I went for a banana with peanut butter on it. While I was putting the p.b. on the banana I noticed something very interesting on the label. Check out the picture and see if you can find what was so interesting.

Can you think of/find anywhere else in the "real world" that ratios are used. Check out the web if you need to and post a comment with your findings!


  1. You can find them on cereal, finances, taxes, the Breaking Dawn book fro the twighlight series. I found some of this stuff in my house.

    Tarah Block 1

  2. Wow! Nice job Tarah. You will have to share some of these with the class!

  3. like Tarh i also found rayios on cerel( it some off brand from Sam's Club)

    the real block 1

  4. Kenny, don't worry. You guys will always be the real block 1. Good job on the findings!

  5. They use ratios in Laser Quest. I think the ratio is how many people to hit to how many times people hit you. I think.


    The NEW Block 1
